How to pop up on a surfboard
, by PTY LTDCroch AU, 2 min reading time
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, by PTY LTDCroch AU, 2 min reading time
A proper take off technique makes it easier for you to stand up quickly with your feet in the perfect position. The pop up we’re about to show you has been the most successful with beginners at barefoot surf travel. This technique works for long boards and foam boards. Here’s the take off step by step.
A proper take off technique makes it easier for you to stand up quickly with your feet in the perfect position. The pop up we’re about to show you has been the most successful with beginners at barefoot surf travel. This technique works for long boards and foam boards. Here’s the take off step by step.
First, paddle until you have really caught the wave. If you’re not sure if you caught it completely, give two extra paddles. Once you’ve caught the wave, place both hands flat on the surfboard next to your pectorals. Do a push up with your toes tucked on the tail of the surfboard. This creates space between your body and the surfboards. Your knees, legs and waist should not touch the board. First slide your back foot forward on the board. Your back foot should be brought to the position of your opposite knee, then slide your front foot forward in between your hands. Notice that, until now you should keep your hands on the board whilst doing your pop up. Keeping your hands on the board helps stabilize a surfboard and maintains the speed. Once you feel stable and comfortable, stand up. Make sure your feet are well positioned before you take your hands off the board. Keep your knees bent and look where you want to go.
Common mistakes
Don’t grab your rails, it makes it harder to keep your balance and creates drag underwater. Keep your hands flat on your board. Don’t bring your knees on to the surfboard, it will throw you off balance. This is a bad habit because in bigger steeper waves, you won’t have time to slide your knees before popping up. Don’t bring your front foot first, your feet will land too far back on your lawn board hitting the brakes and slowing you down. Bringing your back foot first then your front foot is the easiest way to keep your speed and stay with the wave. Keep your knees bent and compress your lower body. Don’t look your knees as soon as your legs are straight, otherwise it will be very hard to keep your balance. Don’t bend your upper body, this is one of the most common mistakes we see in beginners trying to keep their balance. In most cases, surfers end up falling off their boards. Don’t look your feet when you’re doing the take off. It makes it harder to keep your balance. You want to look where you want to go.
The keys to a proper take off
Paddle until you’ve caught the way. Push up, slide your back foot first, slide your front foot in between your hands. Stand up and keep your knees bent, look where you want to go.